Searching Music on Youtube

Posted by paul on in . |

Sept 7, 2014

Searching for Muisc on Youtube.

Regretfully, some artists popular with young children can’t refrain from using inappropriate language in their music.

By default, searching their music always brings up the most listened to version, which would be the unedited version.
By default again, the natural reaction would be to click one of the first few songs listed. Don’t!

Look for the clean/edited version of the music, as in the example below:

Artist: Iggy Azaela. Song: Fancy

If you Youtube: “iggy azalea fancy”

The result will be the version you do not want your 10yr old to hear (or watch).

How do we get around this? Just add the word “CLEAN” (it works 90%+ of the time)

Easy way to solve the issue (as per the above example) is by typing in the following in Youtube:
“iggy azalea fancy clean”

You will see versions that exclude the inappropriate language, and may just be the lyrics to the music, versus the music video itself.

As always, parental guidance is a must.

Note – It is not suggested that your 10yr old watch the video as used in the example above. Listening to the song and watching the video can be two different experiences.

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